Architectural Lighting
The Right Light throughout the Day

Light and its interaction with hormones
Cortisol and melatonin levels of the body during a typical course of the day.

The hormone cortisol is produced in the body in the morning. It stimulates the metabolism and programs the body for day mode. The first morning light suppresses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. VTL supports the activity of the stress hormone cortisol at the beginning of day by stimulating cold-tone light and high illuminance values.

The levels of cortisol decrease over the course of the day. The goal is to maintain the level of alertness and energy during the midday. hours. For VTL, this means that it continues providing mainly activating cold-tone light and high illuminance values.

In the afternoon, the production of cortisol in the body has already decreased significantly, with the more active phase approaching its end. The production of the sleep hormone is not yet required at this time. VTL supports this transitional period by means of a neutral mixed light. The illuminance is gradually reduced to ease into the nighttime hours.

The melatonin hormone affects energy and reduces activity levels in favor of a night sleep. With biodynamic light during the day, the melatonin level is correspondingly high during the night. The person sleeps well and is rested and productive the next day. VTL supports the transition to the rest phase through reduced brightness and relaxing warm tone light.
To download the NET Module Spec Sheet click here
To download the VTL Brochure click here
To download the LUM CONNECT Brochure click here