Architectural Lighting
White Papers

Daylight Harvesting & Controls
increases comfort and productivity while reducing operating costs
Daylighting – or the reliance on natural light as a building’s primary source of illumination – increases occupant comfort and productivity while reducing operating costs. Builders and architects can achieve optimum daylighting with careful consideration of a building’s location and orientation, and also through its design, selection of materials, or placement of windows and skylights. Daylight harvesting is a strategy in which automated controls either turns off altogether or dims artificial lighting automatically, in response to varying levels of natural light.
Ergonomics: Working to rule
Promoting ergonomics in the workplace
Ergonomics is the science of the conformity of human work. The word consists of the Greek words “ergon“ (work) and “nomos“ (laws). Ergonomics is a complex system with the ultimate aim of adapting every aspect of the workplace to the needs of the employee. There are many different benefits: Employees are more efficient and their motivation level is higher. Their health is less likely to suffer, even if they do a job for a long time. There is also scientific research to back up the theory that ergonomic improvements to the working environment increase staff productivity and the quality of their performance on the job.